Logging to logstash in python from scratch for Windows

Hemanth Sharma
3 min readDec 17, 2020

This quick tutorial is done in Windows OS. Only the installing and starting the services part changes in other OSes. You could find many resources online to install ELK stack on your OS.

Step 1. Download ELK stack one by one




Step 2. After unzipping, copy the path of the bin of all these services into path env var

Step 3. Start Elastic Search and Kibana using elasticsearch.bat and kibana.bat inside bin folder

verify using http://localhost:9200/ and http://localhost:5601/ for Logstash and Kibana

Step 4. Create logstash.conf file . It can be as simple as below

input { 
port => 5959
hosts => [“localhost:9200”]
index => “ctc”
stdout{codec => rubydebug}

Step 5. open cmd and run => logstash -f path_to_logstash.conf

this starts logstash

verify it using http://localhost:9600/

Now the flow goes like this

Logstash server is running at 9200 listening to logs at 5959

The logs it gets is sent to elastic search running at 9200 and the data is indexed using the name “ctc”

Then Kibana picks it up using the index name

Step 6. Run the following program

import logging
import logstash
import random
test_logger = logging.getLogger('Service Name')
test_logger.addHandler(logstash.TCPLogstashHandler('', 5959 , version=1))extra = {
#This code logs 10 times
test_logger.debug('DEBUG', extra=extra)
test_logger.info('INFO', extra=extra)
test_logger.warning('WARNING', extra=extra)
test_logger.critical('CRITICAL', extra=extra)
test_logger.error('ERROR', extra=extra)

After sending the logs, it could be seen in the command prompt of logstash like below

and you could also verify the new index is created(if logs sent for the first time) in elastic search also

check the indices in elastic search using http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices

Step 7. Check logs in Kibana

If you are checking the logs in kibana for the first time, else skip the below steps

1. Go to kibana http://localhost:5601/

2. Open the menu, then go to Stack Management > Kibana > Index Patterns

3. Click on create index pattern

4. Give the index name (which was given in logstash.conf file ) . In this case it is “ctc”

5. Click Next step

6. Select the Time Filter field name, then click Create index pattern

Then Go to kibana http://localhost:5601/ and click discover

Then select the index pattern

Click on ctc* index pattern

You could make use of the filters to visualize the logs based on time, app_name, pattern etc

